Context: Linux Mint 21.1, Java Adoptium 17.0.7 JDK, Maven 3.6.3.
My modular application uses LWJGL (and then its native libraries); using the Maven jlink plug-in I generate a Java image. During generation, the jlink plug-in prints the following:
[INFO] --- maven-jlink-plugin:3.1.0:jlink (default-cli) @ treni ---
INFO] -> module: org.lwjgl.stb ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.3.2/lwjgl-stb-3.3.2.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.slf4j ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/2.0.7/slf4j-api-2.0.7.jar )
[INFO] -> module: imgui.natives.linux ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/io/github/spair/imgui-java-natives-linux/1.86.10/imgui-java-natives-linux-1.86.10.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.lwjgl ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.3.2/lwjgl-3.3.2.jar )
[INFO] -> module: imgui.binding ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/io/github/spair/imgui-java-binding/1.86.10/imgui-java-binding-1.86.10.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.lwjgl.stb.natives ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.3.2/lwjgl-stb-3.3.2-natives-linux.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.lwjgl.glfw ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.2/lwjgl-glfw-3.3.2.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.joml ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/joml/joml/1.10.5/joml-1.10.5.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.lwjgl.opengl ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.3.2/lwjgl-opengl-3.3.2.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.slf4j.jul ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-jdk14/2.0.7/slf4j-jdk14-2.0.7.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.lwjgl.opengl.natives ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.3.2/lwjgl-opengl-3.3.2-natives-linux.jar )
[INFO] -> module: org.lwjgl.natives ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.3.2/lwjgl-3.3.2-natives-linux.jar )
[INFO] -> module: com.vistamaresoft.treni ( /home/mmg/Documents/projects/Eclipse_workspaces/Treni/treni/target/classes )
[INFO] -> module: org.lwjgl.glfw.natives ( /home/mmg/.m2/repository/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.2/lwjgl-glfw-3.3.2-natives-linux.jar )
[INFO] Building zip: /home/mmg/Documents/projects/Eclipse_workspaces/Treni/treni/target/
which shows that the plug-in knows about all the required native library JAR's.
I expected the resulting application to be able to locate the (evidently included, see below) native libraries, but it seems it is not, at leat without additional hits I have no idea how to give it (and I could not find described anywhere). In fact, when I run the generate shell script, I receive the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Failed to locate library:
Note that the required library is contained in the lwjgl-3.3.2-natives-linux.jar
referenced by the pom.xml
dependencies via the appropriate profile (see below for the pom.xml
The shell script is the default one generated by the jlink plug-in (the same for all my jlink-ed apps, only the module/main_class changes from one to another); anyway for completeness, this is its contents:
DIR=`dirname $0`
$DIR/java $JLINK_VM_OPTIONS -m com.vistamaresoft.treni/com.vistamaresoft.treni.Main "$@"
The generated image DOES contain the native libraries: I tried generating an image WITHOUT the native dependencies and the result is shorter roughly of the same size of those JAR's. The difference, as expected, is in the resulting lib/modules
file. So, this file presumably does contain the needed library/ies, but the executable(s) are not able to retrieve them?
I have Googled and 'stackoverflow-ed' for a whole day and I found nothing: any suggestion, help, hint about what it is happening is welcome.
This is the (slightly shortened for brevity) pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Several descriptive tags removed for brevity -->
<!-- Versions -->
<!-- Windows and MacOs profiles removed for brevity -->
<!-- Natives -->
<configuration> <!--
<release>S${java.version}</release> -->
<!-- run with `mvn javadoc:javadoc` -->
<!-- run with `mvn jlink:jlink` separately from `mvn package` as combining both into `mvn package jlink:jlink` raises an error -->
<!-- Module paths overriding the Mavem local repo path for non-modular JAR, modularised with moditect-maven-plugin -->
And this is the
of the app (currently in a single module):
module com.vistamaresoft.treni
exports com.vistamaresoft.treni;
exports com.vistamaresoft.treni.engine;
exports com.vistamaresoft.treni.engine.elements;
exports com.vistamaresoft.treni.objectviewer;
exports com.vistamaresoft.treni.sim;
requires imgui.binding;
requires transitive org.joml;
requires org.lwjgl;
requires org.lwjgl.glfw;
requires org.lwjgl.opengl;
requires org.lwjgl.stb;
requires transitive org.slf4j;
requires java.prefs;
requires java.base;
requires java.logging;
I am far from sure this is the best solution, as it is rather cumbersome, but it is the only one I found so far, it works (mostly) and may be useful to someone else too. I want to thank SPASI in the LWJGL forum, who greatly helped me in finding it.
: this ensures that the libraries will be found within the runnable image generated by the jlink pug-in. In practice, add to
one line likerequires transitive org.lwjgl.natives;
for each native library.
. The solution is three-fold:2a) Copy the dependencies from the repo to a local folder, for instance target/modules
using the copy-dependencies
goal of the Maven dependency plug-in; this must be done before the Maven compile phase (I use the generate-resources
phase), for instance:
2b) Maven compiler plug-in: point this plug-in to the folder where the dependencies have been copied, adding this directive to the plug-in configuration:
2c) Maven jlink plug-in: point this plug-in also to the same folder, adding the following directive to the plug-in configuration:
Now, Maven should correctly compile the project and jlink a runnable application.
in step 1.This precludes building the project from within Eclipse, which I find very useful at least for debugging. Maybe this can be solved for the libraries whose JAR's are already modular (but I do not know how), but surely it cannot be solved for the JAR's which are NOT modular and have to be modularised (for instance with the org.moditect:moditect-maven-plugin): their modules simply do not exist in any well-known location and are generated out-of-source (this happen to me with the io.github.spair:imgui-java-natives-<platform>
which is not modular and is often used with openGL / Vulkan projects).
As I use Maven only via command line, I work-around this preparing (our of the Java source and parallel to the main project pom.xml
) 2 versions of the
, one without and one with the added modules.
Normally the project
is kept equal to the first, shorter, version; when I have to launch a Maven build, a small shell script overwrites module-info
with the extended version, run the required mvn
command(s) and finally overwrites
back with the 'normal' version. Not really fool-proof, but usable.