I currently have this command line for setting up a simple test environment for pumping a PCAP file to a TAP socket:
sudo dpdk-testpmd -l 0-3 -n 4 \
--vdev 'net_pcap0,rx_pcap=/path/to/input.pcap' \
--vdev 'net_tap0,mac=fixed' \
-- -i --no-flush-rx
This works (eg WireShark detects tap0
and captures the data being pumped), but how can I query the internal paths to make sure the correct routes are there? If I use more vdev
parameters, I need to make sure everything is behaving itself.
On this page it suggests that:
set portlist <list>
Can be used to hook things together, but I cannot see how to query that setting. Using:
show port info all
Doesn't seem to provide that information.
When you run the start
command line you will get the below output. With this, you can get an idea whose rx is connected with whose tx.
Logical Core 1 (socket 1) forwards packets on 2 streams:
RX P=0/Q=0 (socket 0) -> TX P=1/Q=0 (socket 0) peer=02:00:00:00:00:01
RX P=1/Q=0 (socket 0) -> TX P=0/Q=0 (socket 0) peer=02:00:00:00:00:00
Moreover, check out --port-topology=mode