I am trying to make a chess Minimax algorithm. However, I encountered a problem.
This is my code:
import random
import itertools
from chess import Board, Move, LegalMoveGenerator
def legal_move_to_move(legal_move):
Converts a LegalMoveGenerator object to a Move object.
legal_move: A LegalMoveGenerator object.
A Move object with the `from_square` and `to_square` attributes set to the values of the `LegalMoveGenerator` object.
return Move(legal_move.from_square, legal_move.to_square)
class ChessAI:
def __init__(self, board):
self.board = board
def get_best_move(self):
moves = []
for legal_move in self.board.legal_moves():
best_move = None
best_value = -float("inf")
for move in moves:
# explicitly convert the LegalMoveGenerator object to a Move object
move = legal_move_to_move(move)
value = -self.minimax(board, depth=1, alpha=-float("inf"), beta=float("inf"))
if value > best_value:
best_value = value
best_move = move
return best_move
def minimax(self, board, depth=1, alpha=-float("inf"), beta=float("inf")):
if depth == 0:
return 0
if board.is_checkmate():
return -10000
elif board.is_stalemate():
return 0
moves = []
for legal_move in self.board.legal_moves():
best_value = -float("inf")
for move in moves:
move = legal_move_to_move(move)
value = -self.minimax(board, depth - 1, alpha, beta)
best_value = max(best_value, value)
if best_value >= beta:
return best_value
alpha = max(alpha, best_value)
return best_value
def main():
board = Board()
ai = ChessAI(board)
while not board.is_game_over():
if board.turn == 1:
move = ai.get_best_move()
move = input("Your move: ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here is the full error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 86, in <module>
File "main.py", line 77, in main
move = ai.get_best_move()
File "main.py", line 23, in get_best_move
for legal_move in self.board.legal_moves():
TypeError: 'LegalMoveGenerator' object is not callable
It says that object LegalMoveGenerator isn't callable. Is there any way to fix this?
I tried creating functions to convert LegalMoveGenerator to a list, and updating the library, but nothing seems to work. I was expecting a full working game with Minimax AI, but the error occured.
That error means that self.board.legal_moves
is not a function(isn't callable) and you hence cannot use the parenthesis on it to execute something(like a variable). It is actually a generator and you can get a list of all legal moves using list(self.board.legal_moves)
and then iterate over them instead.
If you do not want to convert it into a list you can also try the following: for legal_move in self.board.legal_moves: