
Migrating Old Serialized Data to Externalizable Data

I am working with a Spring JPA database and am attempting to migrate old Serializable objects to Externalible ones (for future data restructures, etc).

Example Structure

- Entity

(Encryption Convertor)
Serializble Field

My goal is to take this existing Serializble object and migrate it to an Externalizble version. Somehow working around Serializable incompatible with Externalizable

Thank you for all the help


  • Seemed to have found a relatively simple fix without double classes.

    Attain the plugin JRebel (I got a trial). Upon Init store a list of all of the entries in your database. Update the classes to implement Externalizable (seeing as you already have the infrastructure in place). Wipe your database, and add back all of the elements in your prior list. (The HotReload will have updated them)