
Elastic4s/Elasticsearch - Is there a way to update a document and also remove fields?

My application gets change events for a certain object, and from these events, I build a doc that is used to upsert into elasticsearch:


The problem is, a change event can be nulling out a field/removing a field in Elasticsearch. Would something like this work? Is there a way to do this in one roundtrip?

            "for (field in params.removeFields) {ctx._source.remove(field)}",
            params = removeMap

Or do I just need to send one upsert request, and a separate script request that will iterate through the params and remove the fields?


  • You cannot provide a script and doc at the same time, i.e. you can't do a docAsUpsert and scriptedUpsert in the same call.

    However, since via doc you cannot remove fields, I'd do it simply via script. In the script params you can provide two hashes:

    The script would then become:

    for (field in params.removeFields) {ctx._source.remove(field)}