Is there a better way to find a value in an list of anonymous types? I would like to use linq.
Sub Main()
Dim listOfAnonymousTypes = {
New With {.Name = "John", .Age = 30},
New With {.Name = "Alice", .Age = 25},
New With {.Name = "Bob", .Age = 28}
Dim age = FindPersonsAge(listOfAnonymousTypes, "Bob")
End Sub
Function FindPersonsAge(list As Object, name As String) As Integer
Dim result = Nothing
For Each p In list
If p.Name = name Then
result = p.Age
Exit For
End If
Return result
End Function
Dim age = listOfAnonymousTypes.FirstOrdefault(Function(x) x.Name = "Bob")?.Age
Note that the result is an Integer?
because of the null conditional operator. So if there is no "Bob" the result is Nothing
. You can use HasValue
and Value
to get the Integer