
How to use emmprep on an unbalanced nested meta-analysis model in R?

I would love to use emmeans with a complicated model from in metafor, and for this there is the function emmprep(). However, the model I have is unbalanced and nested, leading to redundant predictors being dropped from the model due to rank deficiencies. In this case, emmprep() does not work. As per the helpfile: "In this case, one should remove any redundancies in the original model fitted before using this function."

How do I do that? Do I have to use dummy variables to avoid rank deficiencies, or is there a simpler solution?

Here's a reproducible example:


dat <- #take some example data to modify

#modify to make it work for this example (so now we have two factors)

#get the yis & vis
dat <- escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg, data=dat,
              slab=paste0(author, ", ", year)) 

#run a nested model
res4 <-, vi, mods = ~ alloc/ablat, data=dat) 
library(emmeans) #load emmeans
sav <- emmprep(res4) #this returns the redundant predictors error

#"Error in emmprep(res4) : 
#    Cannot use function when some redundant predictors were dropped from the model."

(PS. I asked this question badly before and have deleted that version to avoid confusion)


  • Possible workaround

    It seems you don't really need emmprep() all that much. The qdrg() function in emmeans almost works out-of-the-box. The only hitch is that rma models name the intercept intrcpt instead of (Intercept), and we have to fix that. Here's an example with a dataset I created for the feature request I posted on metafor's GitHub site

    ## Loading required package: Matrix
    ## Loading required package: metadat
    ## Loading required package: numDeriv
    ## Loading the 'metafor' package (version 4.2-0). For an
    ## introduction to the package please type: help(metafor)
    dat <- escalc(measure="RR", ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg,
    dat <- transform(dat,
                     acat = factor(ablat < 40, labels = c("high", "low")),
                     era = factor(1+as.integer((year-1940)/15), 
                                  labels = c("early","mid","late")))
    with(dat, table(acat, era))   # there's an empty cell
    ##       era
    ## acat   early mid late
    ##   high     3   2    1
    ##   low      0   2    5
    mod <- rma(yi, vi, mods = ~ acat * era, data = dat)
    ## Warning: Redundant predictors dropped from the model.
    emmprep(mod)   # fails
    ## Error in emmprep(mod): Cannot use function when some redundant predictors were dropped from the model.
    # However ...
    rownames(mod$beta)[1] = "(Intercept)"
    RG = qdrg(object = mod)   # named argument 'object' is essential
    ## 'emmGrid' object with variables:
    ##     acat = high, low
    ##     era = early, mid, late
    ## Some things are non-estimable (null space dim = 1)
    emmeans(RG, ~era | acat)
    ## acat = high:
    ##  era   emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
    ##  early -0.971 0.244  8   -1.533   -0.409
    ##  mid   -1.366 0.347  8   -2.166   -0.566
    ##  late  -1.442 0.325  8   -2.190   -0.693
    ## acat = low:
    ##  era   emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
    ##  early nonEst    NA NA       NA       NA
    ##  mid   -0.299 0.340  8   -1.082    0.485
    ##  late  -0.268 0.161  8   -0.641    0.104
    ## Confidence level used: 0.95

    Created on 2023-07-22 with reprex v2.0.2