HELP!!! I need help implementing a logic that will paint the rating stars gold out of five stars, according to the model data I have. No user interactions , just Display ratings. I want to output the rating in my list of widgets.
My model class :-
class Trending {
const Trending({
required this.image,
required this.title,
required this.genre,
required this.subtitle,
required this.rating,
final String image;
final String title;
final Genre genre;
final String subtitle;
final int rating;
My DummyData:-
const trendingHome = <Trending>[
image: 'assets/images/psimg.jpg',
title: 'The Havoc Bringer',
rating: 4,
genre: Genre.action,
'In a small town where the youths have been manipulated by their rulers a courageous Man stands up for his people...'),
image: 'assets/images/img0.jpg',
title: 'Chainsaw Wreck',
rating: 5,
genre: Genre.rpg,
subtitle: ''),
I used List.generate to build the stars, then used a Widget builder with int parameter as index to build the rating icons and conditionally render the colors dynamically.