Given a MudBlazor MudDialog component with a Position set to DialogPosition.Custom, the dialog will appear absolutely positioned to the top left hand corner of the viewport.
var dialogOptions = new DialogOptions
Position = DialogPosition.Custom,
<MudDialog Options="@dialogOptions" Class="custom-dialog">
Hello World.
There isn't a position property in the options. The documentation doesn't reference custom positioning at all.
Once the component has rendered, the CSS class .custom-dialog
isn't applied to the dialog parent, but a static div a few levels down the tree, so positional styles cannot be applied to it.
Is there a way to set the custom position?
When you set it as DialogPostion.Custom
it applies the .mud-dialog-custom
class to the dialog parent.
It's an undefined class so I believe it was designed to be overridden. So you simply use that class to apply your custom position.
@inject IDialogService DialogService
<MudButton @onclick="OpenDialogCustom" Variant="Variant.Filled" Color="Color.Primary">
Open Custom Dialog with positioning
@code {
private void OpenDialogCustom()
var options = new DialogOptions { Position=DialogPosition.Custom};
DialogService.Show<MyCustomDialog>("CustomPosition dialog", options);
display: grid;
align-content: center;
justify-content: space-between;
justify-items: end;
Hello World.