I have a requirement to convert a regular number (most likely with 2 decimal digits) into its respective Cobol counterpart with so called assumed decimal point in the following format: 9(9)v99
I already have a way to right align and pad it with zeroes, which is part of the requirement, just need to come up with a generic way to convert something like 1234.56
into its Cobol equivalent: 123456
Is there any good way to do it in Java 8, or perhaps a framework that does Cobol formatting conversions like that?
I've experimented a little bit more with the existing Java facilities, and stumbled upon the movePointRight(int n)
on BigDecimal
type which seems to be doing what @rzwitserloot suggests but more declaratively.
Put together the below randomized test and ran it enough times (it seems) to eliminate any edge cases, as the result comes out green:
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
Faker faker = new Faker();
String number = faker.expression("#{numerify '######.##'}");
System.out.println("string: " + number);
BigDecimal bdNumber = new BigDecimal(number);
BigDecimal bdNumberMovedRight = bdNumber.movePointRight(2);
System.out.println("bdNumberMovedRight: " + bdNumberMovedRight);
BigDecimal bdNumberMovedLeft = bdNumberMovedRight.movePointLeft(2);
System.out.println("bdNumberMovedLeft: " + bdNumberMovedLeft);
here's a couple of random results that seem satisfying:
string: 062533.74
bdNumberMovedRight: 6253374
bdNumberMovedLeft: 62533.74
string: 882297.73
bdNumberMovedRight: 88229773
bdNumberMovedLeft: 882297.73
string: 638429.50
bdNumberMovedRight: 63842950
bdNumberMovedLeft: 638429.50
string: 500882.06
bdNumberMovedRight: 50088206
bdNumberMovedLeft: 500882.06
string: 922547.94
bdNumberMovedRight: 92254794
bdNumberMovedLeft: 922547.94