
Kudu Debug console Bash vs SSH

There is a menu on top of Kudu in the Azure Portal when using a App Service on Linux: Debug console. The "Debug console" menu has two choices: Bash and SSH.

What is the difference between them? It looks like they follow to different environments.enter image description here


  • The Bash feature launches a shell inside the Kudu instance. This is not the same as the container running your app. From the kudu instance, you have access to view log files and other info - and even delete log files - but you cannot access environment variables or see your deployed application code (other than a gzip archive of the content of the latest deployment at /home/site/wwwroot/output.tar.gz).

    The SSH feature - "SSH" in the old kudu UI at or "WebSSH" in the new UI at - opens up an ssh connection to one of the running instances of your application. From here, you can see env vars, examine your code in its deployed directory structure, explore the file system as the app sees it, etc.

    NOTE: if your app is running across multiple instances (configurable in your App Service Plan), the old Kudu UI doesn't let you easily select a specific instance. The new Kudu UI does: at the Home screen, the top box shows what instance you are attached to and presents a Switch Instance dropdown listing other ones.