I'm working with CoreBluetooth for the first time and trying to figure out how to filter down the list of devices to just RFID scanners. I've learned that there are pre-defined Service UUIDs for various types of devices, but I can't find any of those services that explicitly mention, or even seem to match up with, RFID Scanners.
However, in the Minor Device Class table that bits 5-2 for handheld RFID scanners should be 1000
. I'm confused as to where that goes though. The Class of Device section describes what bits 23-0 are used for when defining various types of devices so I know those 5-2 bits go into that overall 23-0 bits collection... but I'm not sure how that overlaps/interacts with the service UUIDs or whether they interact at all.
For example, the common example I've found is that the Heart Rate service
is defined with a shortened UUID of 0x180D
, but that would be 32 bits, not 24 like the Device Class above.
Is there a Bluetooth Service UUID for RFID scanners? How can I filter the list of discovered devices so that I can only present the RFID scanners?
func startBluetoothScan() {
print("starting bt scan...")
self.centralManager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: nil,
options: [CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: false]
print("started bt scan")
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String: Any], rssi: NSNumber) {
if self.discoveredPeripherals[peripheral.identifier] == nil {
print("did discover bt peripheral (strength: \(rssi)): \(peripheral.name ?? "-") | \(advertisementData[CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey] ?? "-")")
self.discoveredPeripherals[peripheral.identifier] = CBPeripheralInfo(peripheral: peripheral, data: advertisementData, rssi: rssi)
There are certain services that are defined by the Bluetooth SIG - You give an example of one such; The heart rate service. These services are contained in the assigned numbers document.
These assigned services use a 16 bit value that is substituted into the base UUID of 0000xxxx-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
- The actual service code for the heart rate service is 0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
Core Bluetooth recognises these 16 bit service identifiers and does the substitution for you.
The assigned GATT service ids are listed in section 3.4.1.
The 1 0 0 0
bits you refer to are in the peripheral device class section, not the GATT service section.
There does not appear to be a defined service for RFID scanners. I suspect that it would be likely for such a device to use the HID Bluetooth profile and appear as a keyboard, in which case it would not be visible to an iOS app via Core Bluetooth.
Manufacturers may also choose to expose their device via their own GATT services; You would need to refer to the documentation for the specific device.