
Dynamodb query between 2 dates returns not supported error

I'm trying to query some data between 2 dates from dynamoDb using dynamoose with nestjs. I have a history table with this schema:

const HistorySchema = new Schema(
    messageId: {
      type: String,
      hashKey: true,

    sendAt: {
      type: Date,
      rangeKey: true,
      index: {
        name: 'sendAtIndex',
        global: true,

And I'm trying to run this query

const condition = new Condition()
      .between(1, new Date().getTime());
const query = await HistoryModel

Debugging the query gave me this

  "ExpressionAttributeNames": {
      "#qha": "sendAt"
  "ExpressionAttributeValues": {
      ":qhv_1": {
          "N": "1"
      ":qhv_2": {
          "N": "1690365822635"
  "TableName": "histories",
  "IndexName": "sendAtIndex",
  "KeyConditionExpression": "#qha BETWEEN :qhv_1 AND :qhv_2"

And all I'm getting is this error message: Query key condition not supported

Is between condition not supported with Date type? If so which type of data should I use?


  • You must also specify the partition key for a Query request.

    You must provide the name of the partition key attribute and a single value for that attribute. Query returns all items with that partition key value. Optionally, you can provide a sort key attribute and use a comparison operator to refine the search results.

    const condition = new Condition()
          .between(1, new Date().getTime());
    const query = await HistoryModel