Inspired by this youtube by the ever fantastic Chuck Huber, how can I recreate the marginsplot of Stata in R?
In other words, for my cplot()
line at the end of the code block, how can I get the plot to show the predicted values for increments of 'age'
by the levels of 'smoke'
Any help is always much appreciated!
n <- 1000
patient <- data.frame(id=1:n,
treat = factor(sample(c('Treat','Control'), n, rep=TRUE, prob=c(.5, .5))),
age=sample(18:80, n, replace=TRUE),
sex = factor(sample(c('Male','Female'), n, rep=TRUE, prob=c(.6, .4))),
smoke=factor(sample(c("Never", 'Former', 'Current'), n, rep=TRUE, prob=c(.25, .6, .15))),
outcome=runif(n, min=16, max=45))
model <- lm(outcome ~ treat*age + smoke, data = patient)
cplot(model, x="age", by="smoke", overlay=TRUE)
With replicating Stata's marginsplot
, what you want is to visualize the mean
of all possible predict
ions of your model along the desired x and y variables―such as age and smoke in this case.
lm1 <- lm(outcome ~ treat*age*smoke, data=patient)
So first, we create all possible desired combinations using expand.grid
.newdata <- expand.grid(
age=with(patient, min(age):max(age)),
in order to feed predict
, which results we cbind
.newdata <- cbind(.newdata, predict(lm1, newdata=.newdata, interval='conf'))
Next, we aggregate
the mean of the fit
ed values across the smoke and age variables, together with the respective lwr
and upr
bounds of the confidence intervals.
agg <- aggregate(cbind(fit, lwr, upr) ~ smoke + age, .newdata, mean)
With this, we are already done with preprocessing and are ready to plot
par(mar=c(4, 4, 3, 2) + .1);plot.window(range(agg$age) + c(0, 2), range(agg[3:5]) + c(0, 2))
by(agg, agg$smoke, \(x) with(x, lines(age + as.integer(smoke) - 2, fit, col=smoke)))
dec <- agg$age %% 10 == 0
by(agg[dec, ], agg[dec, ]$smoke, \(x)
with(x, points(age + as.integer(smoke) - 2, fit, col=smoke, pch=20)))
by(agg[dec, ], agg[dec, ]$smoke, \(x)
with(x, arrows(age + as.integer(smoke) - 2, lwr, age + as.integer(smoke) - 2, upr,
col=smoke, code=3, angle=90, length=.05)))
axis(1, axTicks(1)); axis(2, axTicks(2))
mtext('age', 1, 2.5); mtext('pred. outcome', 2, 2.5)
legend('topleft', pch=20, col=1:3, legend=unique(agg$smoke),
title='smoke', horiz=TRUE, cex=.9)
n <- 1000
patient <- data.frame(
id=1:n, treat=factor(sample(c('Treat','Control'), n, T)),
age=sample(18:80, n, T), sex=factor(sample(c('Male','Female'), n, T, c(.6, .4))),
smoke=factor(sample(c("Never", 'Former', 'Current'), n, T, c(.25, .6, .15))),
outcome=runif(n, min=16, max=45))