I am deploying a very basic Azure Functions App to demonstrate a few key features.
I have two functions, one demonstrating an HTTP Trigger and the other demonstrating a Timer Trigger. Both run perfectly on local instance.
import azure.functions as func
import os
import datetime
import logging
app = func.FunctionApp()
def test_function(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
logging.info('Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')
utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(
test_phrase = os.getenv("TestEnvFromKeyVault")
logging.info(f'TestEnvFromKeyVault: {test_phrase}')
logging.info('Python HTTP trigger function ran at %s', utc_timestamp)
return func.HttpResponse(
@app.schedule(schedule="0 */5 * * * *", arg_name="test_timer", use_monitor=False)
def test_function(test_timer: func.TimerRequest) -> None:
utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(
test = os.getenv("TestEnvFromKeyVault")
if test_timer.past_due:
logging.info('The timer is past due!')
logging.info(f'TestEnvFromKeyVault: {test}')
logging.info('Python timer trigger function ran at %s', utc_timestamp)
When I attempt to deploy using the VSCode Azure Function extension command "Azure Functions: Deploy to FunctionApp" it says it deployed successfully. My HTTP Trigger function is deployed and works, but my Timer Trigger function is not deployed.
12:13:48 PM testapp: Deployment successful. deployer = ms-azuretools-vscode deploymentPath = Functions App ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build.
I did what the above solution did (including the configurations) and still found myself in the same issue described by OP. After getting on a call w Microsoft support and everything, ultimately what did it was deleting the line :
...apparently in v2 the function name is read from def test_function
like any other function would and the above line is causing interference reading the function when uploaded.