I started learning web development not too long ago and I stumbled upon an issue.
It goes as follows:
1.I have an H# element with a span(with an id)
2.I assigned a constant to the span.
3.I changed the H element's textContent to show a different result.
4.I changed the InnerHTML of the H element back to the original format.
5.I assigned a new text content to the constant from step #2.
6. I tried to debug.log the H element and the span element cannot be changed.
assume exists:
<h2 id="h2-id">Some text:<span id="span-id">Content</span>!</h2>
const result = document.querySelector("#span-id");
const resultText = document.querySelector("#h2-id");
resultText.textContent = "Something else.";
resultText.innerHTML = 'Some text:<span id="span-id">Content</span>!';
result.textContent = "New Content";
debug.log(resultText.textContent);//prints: Some text:Content! not Some text:New Content!.
It works if I assign the (previously)constant as a regular variable and query it again after restoring the InnerHTML, tho I do not understand since it was queried initially by an ID isn't it supposed to "re-attach" to the H element after I restore Its contents?
I assume js looks at the reassigned innerHTML as a new "Object" so it doesn't recognize it?
As said in some of the comments, setting innerHTML overwrites what was previously on the DOM and the result
variable points to a node that no longer exist.
A way around this (for this specific use case) would be to use a function. Something like
function getSpan() {
return document.querySelector("#span-id");
getSpan().textContent = "New Content";
This way, calling the getSpan()
function will always check the DOM for the span and not use what was already stored in memory.