When mounting a component from my nx monorepo in my cypress component test runner, the custom styles are not applied to the mounted component. These styles are scss files, so i dont really know how to compile/include these styles right before mounting it.
Could anyone give an insight on how to solve this problem? Where do i need to step in and include the scss files?
Thanks in advance ^^
Since you originally asked this question Angular support + Cypress docs have improved a lot.
There is an option that allows you to include styles including SCSS, shown on this page Options API - as simple as including a path to your styles in the buildOptions
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress'
export default {
component: {
devServer: {
framework: 'angular',
bundler: 'webpack',
options: {
projectConfig: {
root: '',
sourceRoot: 'apps/my-app',
buildOptions: {
outputPath: 'dist/my-app',
index: 'apps/my-app/src/index.html',
main: 'apps/my-app/src/main.ts',
polyfills: 'apps/my-app/src/polyfills.ts',
tsConfig: 'apps/my-app/tsconfig.app.json',
inlineStyleLanguage: 'scss',
assets: ['apps/my-app/src/favicon.ico', 'apps/my-app/src/assets'],
styles: ['apps/my-app/src/styles.scss'],
scripts: [],
buildOptimizer: false,
optimization: false,
vendorChunk: true,
extractLicenses: false,
sourceMap: true,
namedChunks: true,