
Why is Django migrate command not creating tables in database for specific app?

I've an app named Attendance and it contains the following migrations applied in db.

 [X] 0001_initial
 [X] 0002_delete_leave
 [X] 0003_alter_holiday_options_alter_shift_options
 [X] 0004_delete_holiday_alter_shift_holidays
 [X] 0005_delete_shift
 [X] 0006_initial
 [X] 0007_alter_leave_options
 [X] 0008_alter_leave_comment_alter_leave_is_regularized
 [X] 0009_attendance
 [X] 0010_alter_attendance_options_attendance_created_at_and_more
 [X] 0011_attendance_status
 [X] 0012_attendance_is_regularized
 [X] 0013_alter_attendance_is_regularized
 [X] 0014_remove_attendance_date_attendance_start_date_and_more
 [X] 0015_attendance_end_date
 [X] 0016_alter_attendance_end_date
 [X] 0017_alter_attendance_end_date_and_more
 [X] 0018_leavetype_remove_leave_half_day_and_more
 [X] 0019_leave_leave_type

when I run python migrate with or without app label it does not create tables in db.

I've not set managed=False and tried to delete all migrations from django_migrations table but no luck.

One more point I forgot to add that I'm using django-tenants


To debug the issue, I deleted my local database and kept migrations. Before migrating I ran migrate command with --plan flag

python migrate --plan

Above command gives me this error

[standard:public]     Change Meta options on todo
[standard:public] todo_task.0004_todo_created_at_todo_updated_at

[standard:public]     Add field created_at to todo
[standard:public]     Add field updated_at to todo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "env\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\", line 89, in _execute
    return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation "tenant_tenant" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "tenant_tenant"."schema_name" FROM "tenant_tenant" WH...



  • I found the issue, according to the documentation. All the apps that we want to have their tables in the public schema, we've got to add them to SHARED_APPS.

    So I added attendance and task apps in SHARED_APPS.

        'django_tenants',  # mandatory
        # everything below here is optional

    After this, I deleted my local database, created a new one, and ran the migrate command.

    python migrate

    It worked!

    Thanks to all who tried to help me (: