
OpenAI Chat Completions API error: "StatusCode: 429, ReasonPhrase: 'Too Many Requests'"

I am passing requests to the OpenAI API with .net core web API. I am getting an error. I have a balance in my OpenAI account.


public async Task<string> SendPromptAndGetResponse()
        const string requestUri = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions";
        var requestBody = new
            model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",
            messages = "How are you?",
            temperature = 0,
            max_tokens = 100

        _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
            new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", ApiKey);

        var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(
            new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestBody), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));


        var responseBody = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseBody>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
        return responseBody.Choices[0].Message.Content.Trim();


StatusCode: 429, ReasonPhrase: 'Too Many Requests'


  • Problem

    You didn't set the messages parameter correctly. The role and content properties of the messages parameter are required.


    messages = "How are you?",

    See the official OpenAI documentation.




    messages = new[] {
      new { role = "system", content =  "You are a helpful assistant." },
      new { role = "user", content =  "Hello!" },

    Working example

    Also, this blog post might help you.

    DISCLAIMER: All credit for the code and screenshot below goes to the author of the blog, Ricardo Mauro.

    STEP 1: Install Standard.AI.OpenAI C# library

    dotnet add Standard.AI.OpenAI

    STEP 2: Create an OpenAI account

    STEP 3: Create the class OpenAIProxy

    using Standard.AI.OpenAI.Models.Services.Foundations.ChatCompletions;
    namespace ConsoleAppOpenAI;
    public interface IOpenAIProxy
      Task<ChatCompletionMessage[]> SendChatMessage(string message);

    STEP 4: Create the implementation class OpenAIProxy.cs

    using Standard.AI.OpenAI.Clients.OpenAIs;
    using Standard.AI.OpenAI.Models.Configurations;
    using Standard.AI.OpenAI.Models.Services.Foundations.ChatCompletions;
    namespace ConsoleAppOpenAI;
    public class OpenAIProxy : IOpenAIProxy
      readonly OpenAIClient openAIClient;
        //all messages in the conversation
      readonly List<ChatCompletionMessage> _messages;
      public OpenAIProxy(string apiKey, string organizationId)
        //initialize the configuration with api key and sub
        var openAIConfigurations = new OpenAIConfigurations
          ApiKey = apiKey,
          OrganizationId = organizationId
        openAIClient = new OpenAIClient(openAIConfigurations);
        _messages = new();
      void StackMessages(params ChatCompletionMessage[] message)
      static ChatCompletionMessage[] ToCompletionMessage(
        ChatCompletionChoice[] choices)
        => choices.Select(x => x.Message).ToArray();
      //Public method to Send messages to OpenAI
      public Task<ChatCompletionMessage[]> SendChatMessage(string message)
        var chatMsg = new ChatCompletionMessage() 
          Content = message, 
          Role = "user" 
        return SendChatMessage(chatMsg);
      //Where business happens
      async Task<ChatCompletionMessage[]> SendChatMessage(
        ChatCompletionMessage message)
        //we should send all the messages
        //so we can give Open AI context of conversation
        var chatCompletion = new ChatCompletion
          Request = new ChatCompletionRequest
            Model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",
            Messages = _messages.ToArray(),
            Temperature = 0.2,
            MaxTokens = 800
        var result = await openAIClient
        var choices = result.Response.Choices;
        var messages = ToCompletionMessage(choices);
        //stack the response as well - everything is context to Open AI
        return messages;

    STEP 5: Set up the API key

    IOpenAIProxy chatOpenAI = new OpenAIProxy(
        apiKey: "YOUR-API-KEY",
        organizationId: "YOUR-ORGANIZATION-ID");

    STEP 6: Use the Chat GPT model in our application

    var msg = Console.ReadLine();
      var results = await chatOpenAI.SendChatMessage(msg);
      foreach (var item in results)
        Console.WriteLine($"{item.Role}: {item.Content}");
      Console.WriteLine("Next Prompt:");
      msg = Console.ReadLine();
    } while (msg != "bye");

