I do not know how to double click on an element in visual studio.net framework. I search the web and I get c# examples. I do not know that language. I am new to vb.net and want to learn more. I have used "dim action1 as new actions.action(diver)" in my code but I get and error BC30002: Type 'Actions.Action' is not defined." I have imports open.selenium.interactions.actions included but not sure where to go or how to resolve this error. I would also want to know how to properly code how to double-click in vb.net.
Example of VB.NET Selenium - double click
Imports OpenQA.Selenium
Imports OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Set up Chrome WebDriver
Dim driverService = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService()
Dim driverOptions As New ChromeOptions()
driverOptions.AddArgument("start-maximized") ' Optionally maximize the browser window
Dim driver As New ChromeDriver(driverService, driverOptions)
' Navigate to the webpage
' Find the element you want to double click on
Dim element As IWebElement = driver.FindElement(By.Id("element_id"))
' Perform double click on the element
Dim action As Actions = New Actions(driver)
' Close the browser
End Sub
End Module