I am trying to calculate leverage and cooks distance for the model that I developed using nlme
, but I'm getting the error saying
Error in cooks.distance.lme(model) : not implemented for "nlme" objects"
What are the ways to calculate Cook's distance in nlme
formula = log_Lobs ~ log(150*((1 + ((150/Lt_1)^(1/exp(p))-1)*exp(-exp(k)*td/365))^(-exp(p))))
model <- do.call(nlme,
fixed = c(p ~ 1, k ~ 1 + season2),
random = k ~ 1 | id,
data = data_select,
start = list(fixed = c(p, k)),
na.action = na.exclude,
control=list(maxIter=1e6, msMaxIter = 1e6, msVerbose = TRUE)
#Calculate leverage
Error in x$terms %||% attr(x, "terms") %||% stop("no terms component nor attribute") : no terms component nor attribute
#Calculate Cook's Distance
Error in cooks.distance.lme(model) : not implemented for "nlme" objects
You could do it by brute force: from Wikipedia,
Cook's distance of observation
is defined as the sum of all the changes in the regression model when observationi
is removed from it
Using the formula from Nieuwenhuis 2012
mod1 <- lme(distance ~ age*Sex, random = ~age|Subject, data = Orthodont)
coef1 <- fixef(mod1)
cooksd <- rep(NA, nrow(Orthodont))
Vinv <- solve(vcov(mod1))
np <- length(coef1)
for (i in seq(nrow(Orthodont))) {
newmod <- try(update(mod1, data = Orthodont[-i, ]), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(newmod, "try-error")) next
newcoef <- fixef(newmod)
cdiff <- coef1-newcoef
cooksd[i] <- (cdiff %*% Vinv %*% cdiff)/np
Nieuwenhuis, Rense. 2012. “Influence.ME: Tools for Detecting Influential Data in Mixed Effects Models” R Journal 4/2 https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2012/RJ-2012-011/RJ-2012-011.pdf