I am looking to process an input (string) and remove any items that follow the pattern of being encased in square brackets e.g [like this].
I have been able to identify the pattern which allows me to isolate and create a list of all occurences of square brackets in the string. using regex.
However I would like to replace these occurances and mutate the original string each time to replace the squared brackets with "" to remove them from the original string.
As I understand string.replace("example","") returns a copy of the original string.
How would I go about a technique to remove each occurence and then return the mutated input string.
My code for this function so far, is as follows.
def remove_square_brackets(input):
"""remove square brackets e.g [verse] from song lyrics """
pattern1 = r"\[.*?\]"
squares = re.findall(pattern1, input) #this works, here we have seperated by chorus verse.
#can also be used to remove these bookmarks from the phrases themselves.
print("squares are", squares) #this is picking up all the squares
for square in squares:
if square in input:
print("found in the string!")
#replace does not mutate, rather it makes a copy therefore this will not work,.
return input
Reassign the changed string to the input variable inside the loop using input = input.replace(square, ""). This ensures that each occurrence of the brackets is removed one at a time from the input variable and that the final result is returned correctly.
import re
def remove_square_brackets(input):
"""Remove square brackets e.g [verse] from song lyrics."""
# Define the regular expression pattern to match square brackets and the text inside them.
pattern1 = r"\[.*?\]"
# Find all occurrences of the pattern1 in the input string using regular expression.
squares = re.findall(pattern1, input)
# Iterate through each occurrence of square brackets in the input string.
for square in squares:
# Print the square bracket occurrence found in the input string.
print(square, "found in string!")
if square in input:
# Replace the square bracket occurrence and reassign it to the input variable.
input = input.replace(square, "")
# Return the modified input string with square brackets removed.
return input
# Example usage:
lyrics = "This is [verse] some [chorus] example [bridge] lyrics."
result = remove_square_brackets(lyrics)
this is the output:
[verse] found in string!
[chorus] found in string!
[bridge] found in string!
This is some example lyrics.