
SceneBuilder does not find ControlsFX library from MavenCentral

I have reproduced this in SceneBuilder 8.5.0 and 20.0.0 and can't get it to locate the ControlsFX library from maven central. It seems the only way to get ControlsFX added into scene builder is to download the JAR file and add the JAR file manually from the file system. Does anyone know why this happens or how to resolve it? We use maven to manage this library for our project/build tools, and would like to also use maven to manage importing the library into SceneBuilder.

To reproduce:

  1. Open Scene Builder
  2. Open Library Manager
  3. Click Search repositories
  4. Enter controlsfx
  5. Nothing is found
  6. Click Cancel
  7. Click manually add library from repository
  8. GroupId: org.controlsfx
  9. ArtifactId: controlsfx
  10. No versions are found

I have confirmed that I can find other libraries from mavencentral.


  • Here is what I did for the following version of SceneBuilder.

    SceneBuilder Version

    enter image description here

    Searching Method

    enter image description here

    Manual Method

    You have to press Enter after entering the group ID and artifact ID.

    enter image description here