I need do a validation before execute many test's in a Spring Boot app, with jUnit 5. Basically I need check if my test have a superclass (because we preload context there). I dont want to edit every test else do something that allows me to check before running each test. I did something like this:
public class InheritClassTestCheckExtension implements TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider, BeforeEachCallback {
public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
Class<?> superClass = context.getRequiredTestClass().getSuperclass();
String listClasses = "";
if (superClass doesnt exists or is object, throw a exception) {
throw new Exception("Need to inherit from class A,B or C");
} else {
Continue to the test's
I have this in my junit-platform.properties
But this doesnt work (It's not even entering the method beforeEach). I'm in the correct way? Or what can I use to do it?
flag works for the extentions registered via ServiceLoader mechanism
So, it's expected having the InheritClassTestCheckExtension
full class name
in META-INF/services/org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.Extension
Alternativaly, it's possible using explicit declaration with @ExtendWith
or @RegisterExtension