In my model, i created this relationship...
public function traduzione(): HasOne
$check = $this->hasOne(Linguaofferte::class,'id_offerta')->where('tradattiva','=',1)->where('lingua','=',$this->currentLang )->first();
return $this->hasOne(Linguaofferte::class,'id_offerta')->where('lingua','=', config()->get('warp.default_platform_language') );
return $this->hasOne(Linguaofferte::class,'id_offerta')->where('lingua','=',$this->currentLang );
In the relation, an initial check if the offer translation in the chosen language exists. If the translation doesn't exist, then it get the translation in the default language.
If i execute the query with the 'with' method, e.g.
the check in the relation is not considered and always takes the last return.
If instead i get the translation after the query, it works, e.g.
$offer = Offerta::where(..condition..)->first();
$translation = $offer->traduzione;
How is that? Is there a possibility of creating an alternative relationship in the same relation? Suggestions welcome!
You can try with nested default models
the code below is not tested but you can get the idea
public function traduzione(): HasOne
return $this->hasOne(Linguaofferte::class, 'id_offerta')
->where('tradattiva', '=', 1)
->where('lingua', '=', $this->currentLang)
->withDefault(function (Linguaofferte $linguaofferte, Offerta $offferta) {
return $linguaofferte
->where('id_offerta', '=', $offferta->id)
->where('lingua', '=', config()->get('warp.default_platform_language'))
->withDefault(function (Linguaofferte $linguaofferte, Offerta $offferta) {
return $linguaofferte
->where('id_offerta', '=', $offferta->id)
->where('lingua', '=', $this->currentLang)