
Is it still atomic if the desired value of std::atomic<T>::compare_exchange_weak is return of a non-atomic operation?

Does head.load()->next break the atomicity here for the std::atomic::compare_exchange_weak used in while(head && !head.compare_exchange_weak(ptr, head.load()->next)); ? I believe it should, but again it does not seem so in the output (which is below after the code sample). Or even, does this question make sense?

Another question: is new_node->next = head.exchange(new_node); an atomic operation? I mean, surely the std::atomic::exchange is atomic, but what about the assignment of the return value? (Let's assume that the variable new_node is accessed by other threads, would any thread be able to come in between the assignment of the return value?)

Here is the code sample (compiled with -std=c++17 flag):

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <iomanip>
#include <array>
#include <future>
#include <mutex>
#include <exception>

static constexpr unsigned num_of_thread{ 100U };

struct Node{
    unsigned data;
    Node* next;

    Node() : data{0}, next{nullptr} {}
    Node(unsigned val) : data{val}, next{nullptr} {}

void test1() {
    std::atomic<Node*> head{ nullptr };
    std::cout << "Is lock-free?: " << std::boolalpha << head.is_lock_free() << std::endl;

    auto add_new_node = [&head](std::mutex& mut,
                                std::condition_variable& cond_var,
                                bool& guarantor,
                                unsigned i)
        // Every thread creates its own unique node, so, no race condition here
        Node* new_node{ new Node{i} };
            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{ mut };
            cond_var.wait(lck, [&guarantor](){ return guarantor; });
            // All threads pile up here and wait for notification
            // (basically what std::barrier does)

        // Ideally, all threads hit the below line at the same time.
        // Would there be a race condition here if new_node was a shared variable?
        // (Between the "exchange" atomic operation and the assignment of return value)
        new_node->next = head.exchange(new_node);

    auto pop_a_node = [&head](std::mutex& mut,
                              std::condition_variable& cond_var,
                              bool& guarantor)
        Node* ptr{ head };

            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck{ mut };
            cond_var.wait(lck, [&guarantor](){ return guarantor; });
            // All threads pile up here and wait for notification
            // (basically what std::barrier does)

        // Do we break atomicity here by using head.load()->next?
        // Or even, does this question make sense? 
        while(head && !head.compare_exchange_weak(ptr, head.load()->next));

        // Using ptr from this point onwards is safe as it is local to every thread
        if(ptr) {
            unsigned retval{ ptr->data };
            delete ptr;
            // Protect concurrent access to std::cout (nothing else)
            // in order not to get a scrambled output
            std::cout << retval << ' ';
        else {
            std::cout << "* ";

    // Half of the threads add, the other half pops nodes
    [&pop_a_node, &add_new_node]() {
        std::condition_variable cond_var{};
        bool guarantor{ false }; // Needed in order to prevent spurious wakeups
        std::mutex mut;

        std::array<std::thread, num_of_thread> threads{};
        for(unsigned i{}; i<num_of_thread; i++) {
            if(i%2U) {
                threads[i] = std::move(std::thread{add_new_node,
            else {
                threads[i] = std::move(std::thread{pop_a_node,

        // Wake all threads up at the same time. This should allow
        // more race condition possibilities compared to
        // just starting new threads repeatedly 
        guarantor = true;

        for(unsigned i{}; i<num_of_thread; i++) {

int main() {

    return 0;

And here is a sample output: Is lock-free?: true

(The *s are when a thread cannot pop an element due to meeting an empty list. I checked the missing elements are still in the list.)


  • In the while loop

    while(head && !head.compare_exchange_weak(ptr, head.load()->next));

    you have 3 distinct atomic ops which are sequenced in order, but the whole thing is not atomic, so other threads might come in and do things between them

    The obvious issue is that if two threads do a 'pop' at the same time, you might have the second thread come in and do its stuff between step 1 and 2 for the first thread. If there's only one thing on the stack at the time, then the first thread could pass the null check, and then get a nullptr on the second step (and likely crash dereferencing it).

    Normally one would write this loop as

    while((ptr = head.load()) && !head.compare_exchange_weak(ptr, ptr->next));

    That is, you only do a single load of the head value in the loop and then use that local value. This still has the classic ABA race problem if a node can be popped, freed, realloced and repushed all while one thread is trying to pop. That may or may not be a problem -- as long as the popping thread does not try to do anything with the node prior to completely popping it, it doesn't matter if it got switched out to a different node. It's still a node that was pushed and hasn't been popped by anyone else.

    You have a similar problem in your push primitive

    new_node->next = head.exchange(new_node);

    The store into new_node->next is not atomic with the exchange, so another thread might access it after the head.exchange, but before the store. So that code should be1:

    do { new_node->next = head.load(); } while (!head.compare_exchange_weak(new_node->next, new_node));

    This ensures that the store happens before the atomic operation that publishes the newly pushed node.

    1or while ((new_node->next = head.load()), !head.compare_exchange_weak(new_node->next, new_node)); if you prefer that style