
How to connect to Azure File Share and read csv file using Python

I am trying to write Python code to connect to Azure File Share with URL with some credentials/keys:

I am running this code from an IDE (Visual Studio Code).

But, I am not sure how to put URL info.

from import FileService


file_service = FileService(account_name=storageAccount, account_key=accountKey)

share_name = 'dietcoke'
directory_name = 'test'
file_name = '20230728.csv'
file = file_service.get_file_to_text(share_name, directory_name, file_name)

Currently, error message is "azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError: The specified parent path does not exist. ErrorCode: ParentNotFound"

How do I add the URL info code here?


  • Currently, error message is "azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError: The specified parent path does not exist. ErrorCode: ParentNotFound"

    The above error when you don't specified path or directory in your storage account.

    Here is my structure in the storage account :

    Storage account name = venkat123 

    Portal: enter image description here

    You can use the below code to read the CSV file with the account URL and key.

    For that, you need to install the package of azure-storage-file-share.


    from import ShareServiceClient, ShareClient, ShareDirectoryClient, ShareFileClient
    import pandas as pd
    import io
    account_url = ""
    account_key = "xxxxxx"
    service_client = ShareServiceClient(account_url=account_url, credential=account_key)
    share_name = "fileshare1"
    share_client = service_client.get_share_client(share_name)
    # Get a ShareDirectoryClient object to connect to the directory
    directory_path = "directory1"
    directory_client = share_client.get_directory_client(directory_path)
    file_name = "day.csv"
    file_client = directory_client.get_file_client(file_name)
    file_contents = file_client.download_file().readall()
    csv_data = file_contents.decode('utf-8')
    df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(csv_data))


      Numeric  Numeric-2 Numeric-Suffix
    0         1          1            1st
    1         2          2            2nd
    2         3          3            3rd
    3         4          4            4th
    4         5          5            5th
    5         6          6            6th
    6         7          7            7th
    7         8          8            8th
    8         9          9            9th
    9        10         10           10th
    10       11         11           11th
    11       12         12           12th
    12       13         13           13th
    13       14         14           14th
    14       15         15           15th
    15       16         16           16th
    16       17         17           17th
    17       18         18           18th
    18       19         19           19th
    19       20         20           20th
    20       21         21           21st
    21       22         22           22nd
    22       23         23           23rd
    23       24         24           24th
    24       25         25           25th
    25       26         26           26th
    26       27         27           27th
    27       28         28           28th
    28       29         29           29th
    29       30         30           30th
    30       31         31           31st 

    enter image description here


    Azure Storage File Share client library for Python | Microsoft Learn