After a few months without updating my package mRpostman, I decided to include GitHub Actions unit test badge on README.Rmd file. I used usethis::use_github_action("check-standard")
then manually added the URL to the badge as recommended. I have also updated pkgdown version to the newest one (2.0.7) as of July 2023. The package web site renders smoothly locally. Nonetheless, when pushing the changes to github, the package's home page does not render properly. The logo is oversized to be more precise. The only warning message I get when running pkgdown::build_site()
Warning message:
Failed to parse example for topic 'ImapCon'
Nonetheless, nothing has changed in terms of code or documentation. I believe this warning was also present in the previous version. Even so, the page is rendered without any problems locally.
Things I have tried so far without any success:
resizing the figure by manually adjusting the width in the HTML tag on README.Rmd;
I have also tried pkgdown::clean_site()
, but that did not solve the problem.
Info to replicate the problem:
The URL to the website is
The source code is available at
Here is how the page looks (locally vs. published):
After a couple of days, the only thing that solved the problem was downgrading pkgdown to the version I had before things got broken. Now, the package home page renders smoothly with pkdown version 1.6.1.