I have a file called "RFEM_Information.txt" which has 13 lines.
[Log][None]No OF NODES = 474
[Log][None]BEST STSR = 1.528
[Log] [None]=================================================================
I want to find line 12 (in general the line number is unknown) which has "[Log][None]BEST STSR = 1.528" and I want to extract the number or all the information of the line after "=" (I want to return as a number 1.528
How can I find the relevant line and read the value from it?
Try using Fortran index
function to scan the line for "BEST STSR" substring, then extract the number.
Here is an example:
program main
implicit none
character(128) :: line
integer :: i, stat, unit
real :: val
open (FILE="data.txt", NEWUNIT=unit, STATUS="old", ACTION="read", IOSTAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) error stop "Cannot open file"
do while (.true.)
read (unit, "(a)", IOSTAT=stat) line
if (stat /= 0) exit
! Scan buffer for keyword "BEST STSR". Extract number if keyword is found.
i = index(line, "BEST STSR")
if (i /= 0) then
! length("BEST STSR =") = 11
read (line(i+11:), *, IOSTAT=stat) val
if (stat /= 0) error stop "Cannot read value"
end if
end do
close (unit)
end program main