
google sheet punch card

I am trying to create a conditional color change on a google sheet.

I don't know how to connect the dots. I feel I need an 'indirect' function. Please see attached file. I would like the corresponding period to change color if it matches on the Data sheet. On the 'User' Sheet there is a reference to the unique id in cells A4, E4, I4, M4, Q4 etc. I was thinking of a vlookup, but have been playing with index(match(indirect(...

I tried to transpose the data under Roster1 for an easier Index Match


I am expecting on the User Sheet the color of the matching period to change to red if it is found on the data sheet linked to the unique ID. Sheet Here


  • Use below formula to conditional formatting rule-


    In your google-sheet, see tab harun24hr.

    enter image description here