I am trying to rea csv file in fortran, but failed.
I have this data in my csv file
And I try to define it like this
real,allocatable :: array(:,:)
But, when I print, the printed data looks all wrong.
I assume it is because I define it as real but apparently it is not.
This is the read command I use
num_rows = num_rows + 1
read(10, *, iostat=io) data(num_rows, 1), data(num_rows, 2), data(num_rows, 3)
if (io /= 0) exit ! Exit the loop when there is no data left to read
end do
How can I solve this ?
You can't read what is essentially a character (e.g. 2013/02/20) into a real variable.
Best to read CSV files into character arrays first then convert individual characters into reals by reading as "internal files"; e.g. read( string, * ) real_value
Once you have an array of characters you can pick off individual columns.
Provided your CSV file is comma-delimited and none of those commas are actually part of cell data then the following will read your file.
module MyModule
implicit none
integer, parameter :: MAXLEN = 1000
type Element
character(len=:), allocatable :: value ! single value in a cell
end type Element
type Line
type(Element), allocatable :: column(:) ! collection of cells in a row
end type Line
type Spreadsheet
type(Line), allocatable :: row(:) ! collection of rows
end type Spreadsheet
type(Spreadsheet) function readCSVFile( filename )
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
character(len=MAXLEN) buffer
integer i, j
integer stat
integer numRows, numCols
integer start, lineLength
! Read file once to determine the number of rows
open( 10, file=filename)
numRows = 0
read( 10, *, iostat=stat )
if ( stat /= 0 ) exit
numRows = numRows + 1
end do
allocate( readCSVFile%row(numRows) )
! Rewind and read individual rows
rewind( 10 )
do i = 1, numRows
read( 10, "(a)" ) buffer
lineLength = len_trim( buffer )
! Count number of cells (note: may end in a comma, i.e. empty cell)
numCols = 1
do j = 1, lineLength
if ( buffer(j:j) == ',' ) numCols = numCols + 1
end do
allocate( readCSVFile%row(i)%column(numCols) )
! Take data delimited by commas
numCols = 1
start = 1
do j = 1, len_trim( buffer )
if ( buffer(j:j) == ',' ) then
readCSVFile%row(i)%column(numCols)%value = buffer(start:j-1)
start = j + 1
numCols = numCols + 1
end if
end do
if ( start <= lineLength ) readCSVFile%row(i)%column(numCols)%value = buffer(start:lineLength )
end do
close( 10 )
end function readCSVFile
end module MyModule
program test
use MyModule
implicit none
type(Spreadsheet) S
real, allocatable :: R(:)
integer i, j
S = readCSVFile( "test.csv" )
allocate( R(size(S%row)) )
do i = 1, size( S%row )
write( *, "( *(a20) )" ) ( S%row(i)%column(j)%value, j = 1, size( S%row(i)%column ) )
read( S%row(i)%column(3)%value, * ) R(i)
end do
! Just the 3rd column, as real
write( *, * ) "Third column: ", R
end program test
0 2013/02/20 24.448
1 2013/02/20 24.448
2 2013/02/20 24.545
3 2013/02/20 24.448
4 2013/02/20 24.351
5 2013/02/20 24.351
Third column: 24.4480000 24.4480000 24.5450001 24.4480000 24.3509998 24.3509998