
What is the difference between threshold and prominence in 'scipy.signal.find_peaks'?

I'm trying to find the peaks of a noisy signal using scipy.signal.find_peaks and I realised that I don't fully understand the difference between the threshold and prominence arguments.

I understand that prominence is equivalent to topographical prominence, i.e. the height of a peak relative to the surrounding terrain. However, I don't quite understand in which ways the threshold argument is different from this. From the above link both arguments seem equivalent to me. What is exactly the difference between threshold and prominence in this case?


  • Threshold is about vertical distance to the samples right before and after. Prominence is about vertical distance to the deepest valley.

    Here's a visual explanation of the difference:

    threshold vs prominence

    In this graph of cos(x), the peak has a threshold of 0.191, and a prominence of 2.

    What implications does this have?

    Code used to produce graphic

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.signal
    x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, 21)
    y = np.cos(x)
    plt.plot(x, y)
    # Show threshold and prominence for peak
    print(scipy.signal.find_peaks(y, threshold=0, prominence=0))