
BeanIOFlatFileItemReader skip header using spring batch with spring boot

I haven't been able to find a way to skip the header for a csv file using: BeanIOFlatFileItemReader, there's no linesToSkip here, and when trying to do the below in the beanio-configuration.xml file it gives: Comments require reader.markSupported() to return true itemreader spring batch error. Probably because of this.

<stream name="contact-data" format="delimited">
        <property name="delimiter" value="|" />
        <!-- ignore header line -->
        <property name="comments" value="name" />
    <record name="content" class="com.person.Contact">
        <field name="name" />
        <field name="age" />
        <field name="country" />


public BeanIOFlatFileItemReader<Contact> reader(@Value("#{jobParameters['fileName']}") String fileName) {               
    BeanIOFlatFileItemReader<Contact> reader = new BeanIOFlatFileItemReader<>();
    try {           
        reader.setResource(new FileSystemResource(fileName));           
        reader.setStreamMapping(new ClassPathResource(beanIoConfigurationXmlPath));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("ERROR: An issue occurred in the BeanIO Item Reader:: {} {}", e.getMessage(), e.getStackTrace());
    return reader;      

CSV file:


How to skip the header using BeanIOFlatFileItemReader?


  • The regular FlatFileItemReader has a setLinesToSkip method which this BeanIOFlatFileItemReader seems to lack. As a workaround/hack you could try using the setCurrentItemCount and set it to 1. Although it is meant for restarting a step/job and restore the state you could abuse it for this.

    NOTE: Another thing, while checking the library, this seems to has had no update for the last ~10 years. I'm a bit surprised it still works (which is a testament for the Spring and Spring Batch maintainers for backwards compatibility). But it probably stop working somewhere down the line!