I know this is exactly the same question as this one, but I've tried pretty much everything written there without success.
I'm trying to publish a npm package to our local, self-hosted gitlab instance. For this I'm using pnpm
and the CI/CD pipeline if that makes a difference.
The error is as follows:
npm notice Publishing to https://my.org.com/api/v4/projects/218/packages/npm/
npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Not Found - PUT https://my.org.com/api/v4/projects/218/packages/npm/@test-ci-cd-group%2ftest-package
npm ERR! 404
npm ERR! 404 '@test-ci-cd-group/test-package@1.0.0' is not in this registry.
npm ERR! 404
npm ERR! 404 Note that you can also install from a
npm ERR! 404 tarball, folder, http url, or git url.
The URL of the project I'm using as the registry is https://my.org.com/test-ci-cd-group/npm-package-test
, so I assume that the @scope
is @test-ci-cd-group
Here are the relevant files:
"name": "@test-ci-cd-group/test-package",
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "module",
"module": "./dist/test-package.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"publishConfig": {
"@test-ci-cd-group:registry": "https://my.org.com/api/v4/projects/218/packages/npm/"
--> The second line is added via the pipeline using the following powershell command
echo "//${CI_SERVER_HOST}/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/npm/:_authToken=${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" | out-file ".npmrc" -Encoding ASCII -Append
It has to be something minor, but I'm really starting to go crazy trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
The problem wasn't the pipeline itself. Our gitlab server uses apache as reverse proxy for https redirects. This causes the server (by default) to reply with a 404 whenever there is an encoded part in the URL. With this behavior turned off the publish works as expected