
How can I connect Log Analytics Workspace via rest api with Azure Data Factory without Authentication

I want to retrieve data from the result of a query in Log analytics workspace, I tried to do that using pipeline, where as the first function I got the Web activity, configured as follows: enter image description here

enter image description here I followed this example: Then I got Copy data activity: enter image description here request method: post request body:

    "query": "ADFPipelineRun | project PipelineName, Status,TimeGenerated,  _ResourceId, Type | where Status == 'Succeeded'"
}| ConvertTo-Json

two headers: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Authentication: @concat('Bearer ', activity('GetBearerToken').output.access_token) enter image description here

I get this error when I debugged: enter image description here


  • To connect Log Analytics Workspace via rest api with Azure Data Factory without Authentication.

    First you need to get a bearer token, which gives you the authorization to execute the query. To get this follow below steps:

    URL:<Apps_tenant_ID>/oauth2/token Method: POST Body: grant_type=client_credentials &client_id=<Apps_Client_ID>&resource=<Apps_Client_Secret> Header : "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

    enter image description here

    Bearer token:

    enter image description here

    Base URL:<Workspace_Id>/query enter image description here

    Source settings:

    Request method: POST Request Body: {"query": "search * | where PipelineName contains 'pipe'"} Headers: "Content-Type:application/json" "Authorization: @concat('Bearer ',activity('Web2').output.access_token)"

    enter image description here