I need to update the airflow configuration file (usr/local/airflow/airflow.cfg) in my Docker image running MWAA-Local-Runner.
However, the changes I do when editing the file from my host computer are not reflected when restarting the environment using ./mwaa-local-env start command
You can create a .env file (for example .env.localrunner) and set variable via airflow env varaibles convention (AIRFLOW__SECTION__VARIABLE)
for example if I want to change the webserver instance_name to "DEV" i can add the following to my .env.localrunner file
or if you need to set AIRFLOW__SECRETS__BACKEND_KWARGS you can :
AIRFLOW__SECRETS__BACKEND_KWARGS={"connections_prefix": "airflow/connections", "region_name": "aws_region"}
in the docker-compose that you run your local-mwaa add the following under local-runner in order to read those variables.
- .env.localrunner