
How to document a Laravel model attribute as deprecated?

I have an eloquent model in Laravel that I would like to mark an user_id attribute as deprecated using the @deprectated tag in PHPDoc.

I can add the @property tag to my model to document user_id but if I try to add the deprecated tag my IDE (vscode) still does not inform me that the attribute is deprecated.

Looking at the documentation I can't see any way of combining both @property and @deprecated.

Does anyone know a way for me to document this correctly?

The model

 * App\Task\Models\Task
 * @property null|int $user_id
final class Task extends Model
    protected $guarded = ['id'];

    protected $casts = [
        'user_id' => 'int',

    protected $fillable = [


Attempted Code

@property @deprecated null|int $user_id



  • These are two different attributes. So you can't declare it in one line.

     * App\Task\Models\Task
     * @property null|int $user_id
     * @deprecated @property null|int $user_id This property will be removed.
    final class Task extends Model