
store selected checkbox value. where the checkbox<div>is inside an accordion class.This value need to be calculated for every item of accordion

    let tempI = this.chekcbOxValueArray.findIndex((x)=> x == name)
    return tempI>=0 ?true :false;

selectedWorker(name, checked){
    if(checked == true){

    item.workerNamesSelected = a.toString()
<div class="accordion-content">

    <div *ngFor="let item of accordianFields; let i = index">

        <!-- This is 1st item of accordian (chekcbox input) -->
            worker Names
            <ng-template #checkBoxPopup>
                <div *ngFor="let worker of workerdataList">

                    <input type="chekcbox" [checked]="isChecked("
                        (click)="selectedWorker(, $"
                        [(ngModel)]="item.workerNamesSelected" />
                    <button (click)="onClickOkay"></button>
            <span ngbPopover="checkBoxPopup"></span>


        <!-- 2nd item  -->
        <!-- nth -->


I am unable to get value for each item of accordion. The value remains same for all the accordion item -worker name.

Expected result:

for 1st item : some selected worker

for second accordion item : some other selected worker


  • A input type checkbox only can have two values: false or true. So, a serie of checkboxes only can store an array of booleans

    If we want in a variable store an array of values instead of a serie of booleans and we are using template driven form (ngModel) we need to have

    1. An array with the list of values: workerdataList

    2. A Variable: item.workerNamesSelected

    3. Two functions:

         return (item.workerNamesSelected || []).indexOf(name)>=0
        const oldValue = item.workerNamesSelected || [];
        if (!checked)
            item.workerNamesSelected =item.workerNamesSelected.filter((x:string)=>x!=name)
                    x=>x==name || oldValue.indexOf(x) >= 0)

    Now we can split the [(ngModel)] in [ngModel] and (ngModelChange)

      <div *ngFor="let item of accordianFields; let i = index">
          worker Names
          <div *ngFor="let worker of workerdataList">

    See that in input type checkbox in angular not use [checked]. All is mannaged by the [ngModel]

    A stackblitz

    NOTE: In the stackblitz I not use an accordeon, but it's indiferent.