
How to access external storage(sdcard/usb) in an android device in a qt qml based application?

I am creating a video player application targeting android 13(API 33). I am using Qt Creator 9.0.1 and qt version is 6.4.0. With the Video component in qml, playing videos from internal storage is working. But I need to play videos from usb, how to do that?

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_INTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> 

I have added the above mentioned permissions in android manifest file. I am also requesting runtime permissions if the permission is not granted.

auto r = QtAndroidPrivate::checkPermission(QtAndroidPrivate::Storage).result();

    if (r == QtAndroidPrivate::Denied)
        r = QtAndroidPrivate::requestPermission(QtAndroidPrivate::Storage).result();
        if (r == QtAndroidPrivate::Denied)
            return false;
    return true;

Still not able to play videos from usb, What am I missing here?


  • On Android 13, you don't really need to request those permissions, users need to request permission using the file dialog and for Qt that's under QFileDialog, so to get access to some video file under the external storage, use which gets you a file url and you'll able to open and read its content.