
Multiple different master-replication databases on one server

I would like to know if it is possible to have multiple different master-slave replications on a single Firebird server.

That is, several masters on a Firebird server, replicating to their corresponding replicas on another server.

file - replication.conf:

#master side

database = /your/db.fdb
  journal_directory = /your/db/journal
  journal_archive_directory = /your/db/archive
  journal_archive_timeout = 10

database2 = /your/db2.fdb
  journal_directory = /your/db2/journal
  journal_archive_directory = /your/db2/archive
  journal_archive_timeout = 10

I already tried something like that. But it only recognizes one.


  • As mentioned in the comments by user13964273, you need to use database = <path> for all entries in replication.conf.

    It doesn't work like databases.conf where you create entries as <alias> = <path>, it is just plain database = <path> for each and every database you want to replicate.