I have a case where clicking a button dispatches some action. This action is being listened to by two effects:
sendAnalytics$ = createEffect(
() =>
tap(() => {
this.analyticsSerice.send({timestamp: new Date()})
{ dispatch: false }
navigateToNextStep$ = createEffect(
() =>
tap(() => {
window.location.href = "https://next-step.com"
{ dispatch: false }
As you can see, the first one just sends some event. The other one though, navigates to another webpage. I think it's a potential race condition, but I'm not sure, knowing that JS runs in a single thread. Does the order of effects creation have any impact on that?
I'd like the analytics event to always be sent, before the user is taken away.
The effects are executed in the order that they're registered. But, that doesn't make sure that the analytics has been send (depending on the implementation). If the request takes a while, it might get canceled when navigating away from the page.