I'm new to go and I write a simple pet project to upload encrypted files to google cloud storage.
The problem:
In my http handler on the line where I call AddEntry
function, when I pass r.Context()
instead of context.Background()
, file is not uploaded to google storage. In google's console I can see bytes received, also I don't get any errors at all, but file itself is not there.
Handler code:
//imports, structs skipped
func ProcessAddEntryRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//validation, getting params from jwt skipped
reader, err := r.MultipartReader()
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "multipart/form-data expected, not found", http.StatusBadRequest)
log.Println("could not init MultipartReader from request: %w", err)
gsService, err := googleStorageService.New()
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
bservice, err := backupService.New(
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
var entry *entryRepo.BackupEntry
for {
part, err := reader.NextPart()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error reading: %w", err)
http.Error(w, "internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
formName := part.FormName()
if formName == "file" {
entry, err = bservice.AddEntry(r.Context(), backupId, part.FileName(), part.Header.Get("Content-Type"), part)
if err != nil {
errClose := part.Close()
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to add entry for backup %s: %w; error while closing multipart.Part: %w", backupId, err, errClose)
http.Error(w, "internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
err = part.Close()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to close part for backup %s: %w", backupId, err)
http.Error(w, "internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
response.Entry = *entry
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(response)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
log.Println("failed to marshal JSON: %w\n", err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
AddEntry function code:
func (backupService *BackupService) AddEntry(ctx context.Context, backupId string, entryFullName string,
entryMimeType string, in io.Reader) (*ber.BackupEntry, error) {
// validation skipped for readability
entryId := uuid.New()
outPath := backupId + "/" + entryId.String()
entryChan := make(chan *ber.BackupEntry)
errChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
gstorageClient, err := backupService.storageService.GetClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
errChan <- fmt.Errorf("could not add entry: %w", err)
defer gstorageClient.Close()
out := gstorageClient.Bucket(config.GCBucketName()).Object(outPath).NewWriter(ctx)
defer out.Close()
mac, size, err := backupService.cipher.Encrypt(ctx, in, out,
[]byte(config.EncryptionKey()), []byte(config.HmacKey()))
if err != nil {
errChan <- fmt.Errorf("could not upload encrypted backupEntry with id=%s: %w", entryId.String(), err)
//db operation skipped
entryChan <- entry
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
dbCleanupErr, storageCleanupErr := backupService.cleanupEntry(entryId.String(), outPath)
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("could not add entry %s to backup %s: context was cancelled; db cleanup err: %w; gstorage cleanup err: %w",
entryId.String(), backupId, dbCleanupErr, storageCleanupErr)
case err := <-errChan:
dbCleanupErr, storageCleanupErr := backupService.cleanupEntry(entryId.String(), outPath)
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("could not add entry %s to backup %s: %w; db cleanup err: %w; gstorage cleanup err: %w",
entryId.String(), backupId, err, dbCleanupErr, storageCleanupErr)
case entry := <-entryChan:
return entry, nil
What I tried:
GODEBUG: http2debug=1
to check debug http logs. Logs are different, I will leave them below.AddEntry
function add in Encrypt
function. Context is not being closed, everything seems to be working fine.r.Context()
, result is the same as r.Context()
instead of r.Context()
to AddEntry
function, it fixes the problemDebug logs when r.Context()
is passed as a parameter:
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:46 stdout: 2023/08/02 19:23:46 [2606f10843ab/yuHa6i98Ak-000004] "POST HTTP/1.1" from - 200 570B in 193.850041ms
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stdout: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 [2606f10843ab/yuHa6i98Ak-000005] "POST HTTP/1.1" from - 200 127B in 171.975584ms
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header ":authority" = "oauth2.googleapis.com"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header ":method" = "POST"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header ":path" = "/token"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header ":scheme" = "https"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header "content-type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header "content-length" = "861"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header "accept-encoding" = "gzip"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header "user-agent" = "Go-http-client/2.0"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received HEADERS flags=END_HEADERS stream=3 len=42
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received DATA flags=PADDED stream=3 len=974 data="\x1f\x8b\b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\xff\x1d\xd4Ɏ\xa3H\x00\x04\xd0\x7f\xf1\xb9iA&\xeb܌]\xb4\xc9*L\x01\x05\x06.\x88%\xd9\xf7d\xcd\xd6\xfc\xfbXs\f).q\x88\xf7\xf7\x12\xa7)&$Z\x86\x06\xf7\x97\x7f.g\f\x94\xdf\xe9\uf13dƸ\xe98=\x9a\r\xe33\xe6FѶ\xa3\xcf\xd7ϪN-\x04\x9b]\x7f\xaf\xfc|\x95\xec!Ha\x97^[\xa4\xad\x0f\xe8\xeb\x03:\x051U\xb1\x12~2\x1e\xf5\xbe\xbfTν9\x8f\xe7\xedз\xaa\xac\x87\a\xa3\xfd!\x82ȡӝyb\xe3N\xb8\x91\xf8\x91*\xa1\xc5\xe7\x80\xc1|ڗ}P\x99\xd0D\xf7\xf8\xc7\xc7\"\xda\x1d\xabl\x96\xa4\x98\xf1'\xb2g\xef\xb1=\x10o\x7f\x8dC\x96\x8d\xc6\xfe\xfc\xae\xdc?\xb7f\x0f\xc0\xa2K\xb9^\xd5!\xc38\xe2\a\x84\xca1\x83\xfeG6\xbaNjPzW\xcf\xfb\xd3jͯn\x8d\xac\xf2[\xbe۰\xfcX\xbfBp\xbd\xdd\x14\xa1--\xbe" (613 bytes omitted)
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received DATA flags=END_STREAM|PADDED stream=3 len=136 data=""
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received PING len=8 ping="\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:23:47 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:23:47 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport failed to get client conn for storage.googleapis.com:443: http2: no cached connection was available
Debug logs when context.Background()
is passed as a parameter (I removed jwt token value from the logs, but it is there)
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:51 stdout: 2023/08/02 19:24:51 [2606f10843ab/ukd5p0sXox-000001] "POST HTTP/1.1" from - 200 570B in 465.2635ms
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stdout: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 [2606f10843ab/ukd5p0sXox-000002] "POST HTTP/1.1" from - 200 127B in 172.084834ms
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport failed to get client conn for oauth2.googleapis.com:443: http2: no cached connection was available
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport creating client conn 0x40003cc780 to
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header ":authority" = "oauth2.googleapis.com"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header ":method" = "POST"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header ":path" = "/token"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header ":scheme" = "https"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header "content-type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header "content-length" = "861"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header "accept-encoding" = "gzip"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9019: http2: Transport encoding header "user-agent" = "Go-http-client/2.0"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received SETTINGS len=18, settings: MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS=100, INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE=1048576, MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE=65536
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received WINDOW_UPDATE len=4 (conn) incr=983041
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received SETTINGS flags=ACK len=0
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received HEADERS flags=END_HEADERS stream=1 len=220
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received DATA flags=PADDED stream=1 len=1030 data="\x1f\x8b\b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\xff\x1d\xd4Ir\xa3:\x00\x00лx\xddt1\x83z\x179&\x86\x84`#3n(!F3\v̠\xae\x7f\xf7\x9f\xea;\xbcz\x7fO\x98\x90|\x9e\x93eh\xf2\xfe\xf4\xe7t`\x11\xfc&\xbfS\xfe\r\xe7M'|\x9d\x83\x1b'\x06\xdf\x1f\xa2\xfa\xcd]78\xf5\xc4,\xedf\x8f\x18r\xb9+\xf8\x1aņl\xaf\x0f<\\#\x14\xa3\xeb\xce8O\xfb\xec\xa8p\xef#|}&\xeeM\x1e\xc5E\x94\x91-<Е\xbd\xea\x88X\xc8y\xbf<\x94\xfeHL5\xb8\x19&\x1e{?\xe3\x1a\xa3\xb2y\xf3\xd2T:ȿ\x1dX9K[4ԟ\x98a\x0e9\xfe \xea\xe1h\x910\xac\x9a\xf7h\xaf\xba\xa2\xd1\xeak\x1b\xc2\xcb\xea\xe4\x03\x9c\xaf\xfa\xed\xbd\x05\x89\x1f\xbf)\x1d5\xfc\xfevT\xf8\x9d\x9c\x81*4\xe9\xad|P̍(\xdb\xe8l=d\xe3\xc3c\xf5\xf2q\xdd\x05\xf4\xf6\x95\xc7\x10Ŗ\xbe\xa6\xf6\xf9Q|w" (611 bytes omitted)
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received DATA flags=END_STREAM|PADDED stream=1 len=208 data=""
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 h2_bundle.go:9968: http2: Transport received PING len=8 ping="\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport failed to get client conn for storage.googleapis.com:443: http2: no cached connection was available
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport creating client conn 0x400029e000 to
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header ":authority" = "storage.googleapis.com"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header ":method" = "POST"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header ":path" = "/upload/storage/v1/b/bucketname/o?alt=json&name=a934c415-07bd-4686-8ad0-90ff5ef68c7e%2F6e6b9563-c9d9-484e-a24f-cd2f8bd1fcd8&prettyPrint=false&projection=full&uploadType=multipart"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header ":scheme" = "https"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header "content-type" = "multipart/related; boundary=976d8006696028fea8c40fc53fe0a817a80f334ae41925d1e08c3bb3c917"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header "x-cloud-trace-context" = "cb5a9d07f5007be3d8dfe277e1fb6beb/9294889295348469653;o=0"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header "authorization" = "Bearer <<token value removed>>"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header "x-goog-api-client" = "gl-go/1.20.6 gccl/1.30.1"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header "user-agent" = "gcloud-golang-storage/1.30.1"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:2076: http2: Transport encoding header "accept-encoding" = "gzip"
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport received SETTINGS len=18, settings: MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS=100, INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE=1048576, MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE=65536
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport received WINDOW_UPDATE len=4 (conn) incr=983041
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport received SETTINGS flags=ACK len=0
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport received HEADERS flags=END_HEADERS stream=1 len=314
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport received DATA stream=1 len=944 data="{\"kind\":\"storage#object\",\"id\":\"bucketname/a934c415-07bd-4686-8ad0-90ff5ef68c7e/6e6b9563-c9d9-484e-a24f-cd2f8bd1fcd8/1691004292747760\",\"selfLink\":\"https://www.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b/bucketname/o/a934c415-07bd-4686-8ad0-90ff5ef68c7e%2F6e6b9563" (688 bytes omitted)
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport received DATA flags=END_STREAM stream=1 len=0 data=""
ft-api | 2023/08/02 19:24:52 stderr: 2023/08/02 19:24:52 transport.go:3015: http2: Transport received PING len=8 ping="\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
The problem was fixed by explicitly calling Close()
method on gstorage object writer instead of deferring it. I am still not entirely sure about the cause of this behaviour (I am aware that file is not commited to gstorage unless writer was closed, but there were no context cancellations involved, so it should've been closed).
Edit: It seems to me that the problem might be in the order that go executes deferred functions declared inside of goroutine. If anyone has an explanation to this, it would be very welcome.