We are using the FullCalendar react component and its RRule plugin and we specify recurring events as an rrule string. As such, a recurring calendar event is represented like this:
events: [
title: 'my recurring event',
FullCalendar expands the recurring event nicely into individual event instances with individual dates, and shows all the instances in the calendar view. When a user clicks on any one of the expanded instances, FullCalendar invokes our eventClick handler correctly and passes eventClickInfo (see https://fullcalendar.io/docs/eventClick).
However, the event object that is returned via the FullCalendar callback is the event with the rrule (shown above). How do I determine the instance date from clickevent? That is, is there a way to extract the instance date from the eventClickInfo object returned from FullCalndar? I need to know on which particular instance, i.e., the date of the specific instance on which the user clicked so I can then update it.
Thanks in advance
If you look at info.event.start
in the event data provided by eventClick you will get the start date of the specific clicked event:
eventClick: function (info) {
Working demo: https://codepen.io/ADyson82/pen/vYQbpQb