This is mainly happening when startAngle > 90 and endAngle < 270 (this makes arc in bottom) and difference of angle is around 50 (It like quarter arc having start and end angle in bottom). This can be fixed If I reduce Y direction from top value. I want to know why this is happening at first place. Only arc is cropping but Pane is coming correctly.
pane: {
startAngle: +this.gaugeSetting.minAngle,
endAngle: +this.gaugeSetting.maxAngle,
center: [`${this.gaugeSetting.centerX}%`,`${this.gaugeSetting.centerY}%`],
background: ? paneData : [],
// size: this.gaugeSetting.shapeType === "CUSTOM" ? this.gaugeSetting.customChartSize+"%" : this.gaugeSetting.chartSize,
Thanks to for answering this
"It looks like a Highcharts regression bug (working fine with v8: Could you report it on the Highcharts GitHub repository: ? As a workaround, you can disable series animation or call chart.reflow after it. Example: "
I degraded the version of highchart to 8.1.0 then it is working.