In the context of linear mixed effects model, it is extremely useful to plot residuals vs. fitted values to check homoscedasticity (of residuals). When I am using lme4::plot.merMod
to plot such a figure, if I understand correctly, lme4
uses lattice
to produce the figure. For example, if we regress hp on mpg with carb (from tidyverse::mtcars
) as random effects*, we get a following plot:
I don't know, however, how lattice
comes up with grey-color horizontal and vertical gridlines and if they represent any statistical aspect about model fit. If lattice
just divides the x- and y-axis in four equal parts with these gridlines, how can I achieve such equally-spaced gridlines that consider x- and y-axis range in a base R plot?
Code to reproduce the figure:
model <- lme4::lmer(data = mtcars, formula = mpg ~ hp + (1 | gear))
plot(model, aspect = 1)
*I am not concerned about correct model specification at the moment.
In base R, this can be done by using graphics::grid
(as suggested by Prof. Bolker):
model <- lme4::lmer(data = mtcars, formula = mpg ~ hp + (1 | gear))
data <- broom.mixed::augment(model)
par(pty='s') # to keep aspect ratio 1
plot(data$.fixed, data$.resid)
graphics::grid(nx = 4, lty = 1)
Or by directly using:
plot(data$.fixed, data$.resid, panel.first = grid(4, lty = 1))