
Where can I find the documentation for SyscallN, since syscall.Syscall6 has been deprecated as of Go 1.18?

When I run golangci-lint on my Go code after changing the go value in my go.mod from go 1.16 to go 1.20, I now get this linter warning:

windows.go:210:16: SA1019: syscall.Syscall6 has been deprecated since Go 1.18: Use SyscallN instead. (staticcheck)
        err, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(fn, 5, addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&size)), 1, uintptr(family), uintptr(class), 0)

I wanted to compare the documentation for SyscallN to syscall.Syscall6 to see if there were any gotchas for moving from the deprecated function to the recommended replacement, but I cannot retrieve documentation for the function with go doc or find documentation for the function in the syscall package docs. The syscall package docs have a Syscall6 entry, but no SycallN entry. When I try to use go doc, I get this:

$ go doc syscall.SyscallN
doc: no symbol SyscallN in package syscall
exit status 1

Is SyscallN in a package other than syscall? Where can I find the documentation for SyscallN?

Note that this is for Windows-specific code guarded by a //go:build windows comment at the top of the windows.go file.


  • As pointed out by @SteffenUllrich, I had to change the Rendered for dropdown value from linux/amd64 like this:

    enter image description here

    to windows/amd64 like this:

    enter image description here

    The documentation for syscall.SyscallN is available here (note the query component in the URL): Note that there is only a function signature in the documentation: enter image description here

    Snapshot of the page from when I wrote this answer:


    The syscall docs page used to say the following in 2023:

    Deprecated: this package is locked down. Callers should use the corresponding package in the repository instead. That is also where updates required by new systems or versions should be applied. See for more information.

    The docs page now says (in January 4, 2025)

    NOTE: Most of the functions, types, and constants defined in this package are also available in the package. That package has more system call support than this one, and most new code should prefer that package where possible. See for more information.

    That said, it is not clear to me if provides a way to make arbitrary syscalls, but it does have RawSyscall and RawSyscall6 for Unix platforms.