The thing is that there 3dsmaxcmd.exe
which is used for rendering, and which is capable to show how long does it take and estimated time till finish.
And my goal is to extract that both timedates, or see how is it built and counting progress, to build that kind of tool myself. By this approach im willing to solve an issue of keeping progress of rendering single frame. Any other approaches and ideas are welcome)
thank you for you attention!
I created a sample code that grabs the timestamps from an image. I broke it up into a few functions that should get you started.
*Note: I am using a Mac so I haven't tested the get_window_screenshot() on windows.
def get_window_screenshot(window_title):
im ='3dsmaxcmd_exe.jpeg')
return im
screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot()
if system_platform == 'Windows':
# for windows
window = pygetwindow.getWindowsWithTitle(window_title)
l, t = window.topleft
r, b = window.bottomright
elif system_platform == 'Darwin':
# for mac
l, t, w, h = pygetwindow.getWindowGeometry(window_title)
r = l + w
b = t + h
screenshot = screenshot.crop((l, t, r, b))
return screenshot
def get_window_content(window_screenshot):
# returns all content in image as a string
content = pytesseract.image_to_string(window_screenshot)
return content
That gets me: Current Task: Rendering image... [02:08:05.9] [02:09:37.0 est]
def get_timestamps(content):
t_list = []
timestamp = _find_timestamp(content)
while timestamp:
timestamp = _find_timestamp(content, timestamp[1])
return t_list
def _find_timestamp(content, start=0):
timestamp_start = content.find('[', start + 1)
timestamp_end = content.find(']', start + 1)
if timestamp_start > 0 and timestamp_end > 0:
return content[timestamp_start + 1: timestamp_end], timestamp_end
return False
Calling this function gives me: ['02:08:05.9', '02:09:37.0 est']
Here's the code I used to run:
import platform
import pyautogui
import pytesseract
import pygetwindow
from PIL import Image
system_platform = platform.system()
DEBUG = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
window_shot = get_window_screenshot("I'm debugging")
content = get_window_content(window_shot)
timestamps = get_timestamps(content)