
Delphi XE2 AnsiFormat() and ANSI String constants

Is there a handy Format() function that works only on Ansi strings? Because everytime I use an AnsiString with Format() I get a warning. And no, I don't want Delphi to convert my AnsiStrings back and forth between Wide and Ansi strings. That is just making things awfully slower. Also, is there a way to force a string constant to be Ansi? check this out

function SomeStrFunc(S: AnsiString): AnsiString; overload;
function SomeStrFunc(S: String): String; overload;

and then when I use SomeStrFunc('ABC') it will call the wide string version. What if I want to use the Ansi version and force Delphi to store 'ABC' constant in AnsiChars.


  • There is Ansi version of Format function in System.AnsiStrings unit