I am using Skfuzzy to interpret two arrays: 1. distances to a stream [dist]; 2. Strahler order[order]. I then want to calculate the consequent (a vulnerability value) for each stream distance and Strahler order pairs using a set of custom membership values I have created for the antecedents and consequent. I have the program working for a single input of values, but I don't understand how to get skfuzzy to loop through an array of input values and output the consequent for each value pair.
The control system:
# Creation of control system using the defined rules
vulnerability_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystem([rule1, rule2, rule3])
vulnerability = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(vulnerability_ctrl)
The inputs and computation:
# input of distance and Strahler order arrays
I get this error because I don't know how skfuzzy deals with an array of inputs:
TypeError: '_InputAcceptor' object is not subscriptable
One can iterate down an array through the use of a for loop as shown below. First ensure that your array is converted to float type using 'numpy.asfarray'.
# Convert to float array
dist_x = np.asfarray(strm_dist)
order_x = np.asfarray(strm_order)
# iterate down an array of input values
strm_vul = []
for i in range(len(dist)):
vulnerability.input['dist'] = dist_x[i]
vulnerability.input['order'] = order_x[i]