I am basically trying to use gulp in my nodeJS project where I want to make a separate css files for every view file (.ejs), and store it in a public/compiled/example/ folder. The example folder will have the name of the ejs file, likewise I want to store every compile css file to a specific folder for every .ejs file.
For example: there are 10 .ejs Files in my views folder and I want to make 10 separate CSS files for every .ejs file with the name of that ejs file.
Flow of task:
But Gulp does not have that functionality to do the above thing.
My code:
const Path = require("path");
const FS = require("fs");
let Files = [];
function getDirectoryName(Directory) {
FS.readdirSync(Directory).forEach(File => {
const Absolute = Path.join(Directory, File);
if (FS.statSync(Absolute).isDirectory()) {
else {
return Files.push(Absolute.split('\\').join('/').split('.ejs').join('').split('views/').join(''));
Above code get all the names of the files present in the views folder and stores it in an array.
let bootstrap = src('public/css/bootstrap.min.css')
let style = src('public/css/style.css')
let icons = src('public/css/icons.css')
let colours = src('public/css/colors/default.css')
let tinySlider = src('public/css/tiny-slider.css')
//File Path Variables
const folderPath = 'views/';
const ejsExtension = '.ejs';
const cssExtension = '.css';
const jsExtension = '.js';
// CSS Task
function cssTask() {
let bootstrap = src('public/css/bootstrap.min.css')
let style = src('public/css/style.css')
let icons = src('public/css/icons.css')
let colours = src('public/css/colors/default.css')
let tinySlider = src('public/css/tiny-slider.css')
for (let i = 0; i < Files.length; i++) {
merge(bootstrap, style, icons, colours, tinySlider)
.pipe(purgecss({ content: [folderPath + Files[i] + ejsExtension] }))
.pipe(concatCss(Files[i] + cssExtension))
.pipe(dest('./public/compiled/' + Files[i])
And this is the gulp code which runs a task.
My error:
(node:15588) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 end listeners added to [DestroyableTransform]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
Gulp only runs once for whatever file I put in but I don't know weather it has any kind of inbuilt functionality that I can you for my project.
And the main thing is all the file is getting stored in the folder but it gives this warning with it.
To solve this problem, I reformed some parts of this code, which works without errors.
function cssTask(fileName) {
return src([bootstrapCss, styleCss, iconsCss, coloursCss, tinySliderCss])
.pipe(purgecss({ content: [viewsFolderPath + fileName + ejsExtension] }))
.pipe(concatCss(Path.basename(fileName) + cssExtension))
.pipe(dest(cssDest + Path.dirname(fileName)));
Note: Here cssDest is the destination folder you want to store the file in this case it would be "./public/compiled/".
let Files = ['about', 'contact', 'blog/index'];
for (let i = 0; i < Files.length; i++) {
task("css:" + Files[i], () => {
return cssTask(Files[i]);